Adam MacKenzie, P.Eng.
Spencer Beaton, EIT
Adam Clark, FEC, P.Eng.
Alex Gamble, P.Eng.
Stephen MacKinnon, P.Eng.
Heather MacLeod, FEC, P.Eng.
David Taylor, FEC, P.Eng.
Jim Landrigan, FEC, P.Eng.
Kim Levesque
This committee shall:
- before the second meeting of the new Council, hold a meeting and review the issues and recommended budget and report to Council;
- be responsible for creating awareness of the requirements of the Association’s Professional Development Program with particular reference to the revision of the Engineering Profession Act which requires that no person shall engage in the practice of Professional Engineering in the Province of Prince Edward Island unless the person has fulfilled the requirements of any mandatory professional development program established under the By-laws;
- monitor compliance with the program, undertaking sample auditing of annual returns and reporting non-compliance to Council for action in accordance with the Engineering Profession Act and By-laws;
- review the provisions and requirements of the program with a view to introducing any modifications deemed necessary or desirable; and
- one month prior to the annual meeting provide to Council a written account of the work completed by the committee for incorporation in the annual report. Also provide with the report an outline of issues to be carried over into the next year, new issues or initiatives to be addressed and a suggested budget for the new financial year.